Part 2: Finding Articles with the Web of Science
Now that you know what your target journals are, you can search for key terms in those journals with the web of science. (There are a lot of reasons I like the Web of Science better than Google scholar or other search engines I have used, see this page for more details.)
(It may require logging into your institution's library and then going to their database pages and entering web of science from there)
2. Navigate to the "advanced search" box in Web of Science.
3. Perform an advanced search
You can build your own code with boolean logic and some search terms.
To get started you can also just copy and paste the following syntax for some top OB journals, replacing your own keywords or journal choices as needed.
The code is that I am searching for articles whose title, abstract, or keywords include the words "Voice" and "Class" and are in the journals listed like "Academy of Management Journal", etc.
TS=(“voice" AND "class") AND SO=("Academy of Management Journal" OR "Academy of Management Review" OR "Administrative Science Quarterly" OR "Strategic Management Journal" OR "Organization Science" OR "Journal of Applied Psychology" OR "Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior" OR "Academy of Management Annals" OR "Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes" OR "Personnel Psychology" OR "Journal of Management Studies" OR "Journal of Management" OR "American Sociological Review" OR "Journal of Psychology and Social Psychology" OR "Psychological Science" OR "Personnel Psychology" OR "Annual Review of Psychology *" OR "Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior" OR "American Journal of Sociology" OR "American Sociological Review" OR "Journal of Organizational Behavior")
4. Select the articles you are interested in and export
Read through the article titles, abstracts, etc and select all the articles you think are relevant.
Once ready to export, hit the "export" button.
Choose a format (I use bibtex because it exports best to Zotero-- see Lit Search, Part 3 for how to use Zotero
Make sure to select that you want the full record, not just author, title source.